Planes, Disney and Goodbyes

Hey everybody! I figured it was time for a quick update!

The past month has been super busy I haven’t much time to sit and fill you guys in so here’s everything that’s happened since the last time you guys heard from me.

The 8th of June I finished school which was kind of bittersweet; I’m happy to be on summer vacation but it was kind of a wake up call that my time here is coming to an end.

Last week on my way to a Rotary meeting with a Rotarian from the Exchange team I experienced the very definition of why you say yes to everything (with in reason) on exchange.

Karine, the Rotarian, had offered to drive my friend Malé and I to our Rotary meeting which was about an hour and a half from where we live. She had said that on the way she had to stop at a small flying club to thank them for something they had done with Rotary. So we stopped and she asked Malé and I to come for a walk with her so we did.

Malé and I looked at the small planes and talked to the guys in the club for a while, they offered us a pop, they were super nice. We were happy drinking our drinks, talking about our countries when two pilots asked Malé and I if we wanted to see Arras from the sky.

We were thrilled and of course said YES. So then not five minutes later we were both in two separate little planes looking down at the city that has hosted us the past 10 months. It was amazing! As I had mentioned I was Canadian my pilot made sure to show me the Vimy Ridge Memorial from the sky and even let me pilot the plane for a while.

Such a cool experience and so special to us that these guys thought to take us. We ended up being a few hours late to our Rotary meeting but we had good reason.

We had a barbecue Wednesday night, we sang and danced like usual and then Thursday morning we got up super early and went to Disneyland in Paris for the day which was super nice.

It was a very fun two days together that unfortunately but predictably ended on a rather sad note as it was our last time all together. As of yesterday everyone is starting to head home. I’m the last of the students who arrived in August to leave which means almost everyday I’m having to say goodbye to a great friend.

I’m not going to lie this is a really difficult time for us exchange students.

My second host mom explained what we, myself and the other exchange students, are going through very well. She said the reason why these goodbyes and these last few weeks are so hard is because we experienced an amazing 10 months in France and made great friends. For that I’m sooooo grateful.

I’ve been lucky enough to make amazing friends from all over the world, learn tons about other cultures and expand my family while learning a new language and growing as a person. I don’t think there is any other thing you could do in your life where you make friends and family and learn like I have these past 10 months.

I’m very aware that July 8th is coming pretty quickly (18 days away quickly) so these next few weeks are jam packed with trips to the beach, time with my friends and family and soaking up what is left for me here.

We’ve been experiencing some unseasonably hot weather in the North, today it is 32 degrees celsius and tomorrow they’re calling for 35 which of course brings with it the “Oh you’re Canadian you’ve probably never experienced heat like this before” jokes but also permits me to hang out in the hammock in the backyard all day.

That’s all for now and if you don’t hear from me then I guess you’ll see me pretty soon!

Bisous, à la prochaine





One thought on “Planes, Disney and Goodbyes

  1. So proud of you girl. We miss you tons. With emails you will be able to stay in contact with all those people and maybe visit.


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